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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The road from where we stand...

I have been thinking alot about what to post next. To be honest, when the day is drawing to a close and the kids are in bed, blogging is the last thing I want to do. Really the last thing that I feel creative enough to handle. So, here is what we know!
  1. We KNOW that God has called us to work for him.
  2. We KNOW that the road looks long and hard.
  3. We KNOW based on the miracles of the past that HE will continue to work on our behalf.
  4. We KNOW that God continues to order our steps and in his timing we will continue to work for him as he directs.

Years ago (I won't tell you how long ago due to concerns over making us sound really old...) we were attending a young married's Sunday School class. One bright Sunday morning our teacher urged us to go home and work together on picking out a "family scripture". This would be a scripture verse that fit our family and that we would hold on to in good times or bad as we clung to God's word. We carefully chose: Proverbs 3:5 & 6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." (NIV) It is amazing how this one scripture has meant so many different things to us over the years. So now as we look at the road ahead, we are trusting in HIM and knowing that he will make our paths straight. One step at a time!

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