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Friday, April 17, 2009

He is Risen!!! (& Corbin Update)

This year, Easter has been very special to us... for many reasons! For the first time in years, we were able to be in our home Church and see many close friends and family! We also enjoyed this Easter because for the first time, our children were beginning to grasp the reason that we celebrate Easter. On our way down to Florida, we watched the animated "Passion of the Christ." We were there with our children as they experienced all of the emotions that accompany the crucifixion and resurrection of our Christ. When Jesus was betrayed and the soldiers were there, our 3 year old Naomi said, "this is making me soooo MAD!" Just moments earlier, Gabriel was expressing that he didn't like this "at all!" The best part of it all was moments later when they were celebrating as Jesus rose from the dead. It was such a HUGE reminder to us, remembering how HE saved us!!!

Where are the Corbin's? Please see our last Prayer Letter (click here). We are moving into another phase as we finish raising our support. Please continue to pray with us as we work to finish raising our initial support. We desire to be obedient and submissive to His call!

1 comment:

Jennsmere said...

Wish I could have seen their little faces when they saw HIM risen! Oh for the innocence and clarity of a child...

We were very thankful that you were here for made my day!

Love you 4,
Aunt Susan